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About 19th EFMC Short Course on Medicinal Chemistry

19th EFMC Short Course on Medicinal Chemistry


Artificial Intelligence and Medicinal Chemistry : Developments, Limitations, and Applications

In 2009, EFMC launched a series of short courses aimed to favour cultural and scientific growth of the medicinal chemistry community and organised with affordable fees for participation.

This intensive course is intended for scientists working in the field, and the presentations will be given by senior scientists from industry and academia. The number of participants is limited to 35, to allow in depth discussion. Should the number of applications exceed the maximum, preference will be given to applicants from EFMC adhering countries and employees of EFMC corporate members. Upon special request to the organisers, only based on financial conditions and supported by an argued recommendation of the head of the department of the applicant, up to 3 applicants from academia may be admitted at a reduced fee.

More information can be found on the website.


The fee, € 1,735.-, includes participation to the 3.5 day course with material but also full lodging, breakfasts, lunches & dinners at the venue (

Register here!