In order to be eligible for the award, the candidate must meet the following requirements.
The candidate must have a proven track record as an excellent researcher. Publications or patents are evidence of his/her scientific originality, productivity and extraordinary insight into general problem areas in his/her field. The impact of the conducted research on the advancement of chemistry in the broadest sense of the word is also a criterion that is taken into account.
The nomination should include an explanation of what makes the candidate so exceptional and why he/she should receive the award. Specific examples that support the award criteria can include:
- Originality, productivity and high level of research.
- Personal contribution and self-reliance of the candidate while conducting his/her research project.
- Extent to which the candidate inspires or leads research conducted by others.
- Influence of his/her work outside his/her own circle.
- Transboundary character of the research.
The Gouden Medaille is only awarded to young, Dutch researchers aged younger than 40 at the time of the nomination deadline. Non-Dutch candidates who have previously worked or are currently working in the Netherlands are also eligible for the award. If candidates are older than the specified age but have performed care duties, they may be nominated based on care duty reasons. Nominations from researchers who hold industrial research and development positions are also welcomed. Should industrial-sensitive information be included in the nomination, additional confidentiality can be provided by, in consultation with the employer, appointing one or more confidential advisers responsible for co-reviewing the nomination.
To nominate a candidate for the Gouden Medaille award, please submit:
- A written justification explaining why the candidate should receive the award and a brief resume of the nominee.
- A list of publications, patents and presentations.
- The names of two individuals who support the nomination.
Please submit your nomination before 30 April 2025 to:
Attn. Gouden Medaille Selection Committee
Loire 150
2491 AK Den Haag
(To assure confidentiality, include the word ‘Confidential’ on the envelope.)
Nominations can also be submitted by e-mail to the following address:
The Selection Committee also welcomes nominations from researchers who are active in industrial research and development positions or who are conducting research in a chemistry-related field.